The new warehouse, built seven metres underground out of hemp and with a grass roof, uses reed beds to filter rainwater for use in the building-and even to water the grass roof. 新仓库位于地下7米深处,由纤维制成,屋顶被草覆盖。它使用芦苇层来过滤雨水,供整栋建筑所用,甚至还用于浇灌屋顶的草。
The productivity of second-year-old reed canary grass under various distribution of mineral oil contents was reported in this paper. 本文研究了第二年生草在不同矿物油投配量下的生产性能。
The critical content of mineral oils in soil was presented for second-year-old Reed canary grass. 提出了第二年生草土壤的矿物油临界含量。